Sprachvisum international - Für Länder mit Visumspflicht

Für die Einreise nach Deutschland brauchst du ein Visum. Für dieses Visum musst du dich persönlich in der deutschen Vertretung in deinem Heimatland bewerben, bevor du nach Deutschland kommst.

Sich für ein Visum zu bewerben, kann aufregend sein. Aber du bist nicht alleine: Wir haben bereits jahrelange Erfahrung darin und schon tausenden TeilnehmerInnen weltweit geholfen.

Hier sind die nächsten Schritte für dich:

Step 1: Bereite dich mit Hilfe unserer Checkliste vor

Step 2: Buche deinen Sprachkurs bei speakeasy mit dem Kurskonfigurator unten

Step 3: Nach Erhalt unserer Bestätigungsemail, bestellst du deine offizielle Anmeldebestätigung (kostenpflichtig, s. unsere Preisliste)

Step 4: Nutze unsere Visumsunterstützung und bereite deinen Visumsantrag vor

Language Visa
speakeasy visa package
  • Quick preparation of visa-eligible enrolment letter
  • Free-of-charge essential visa application support
  • Solutions for supplementary visa requirements
  • Comprehensive Relocation Assistance Services

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The speakeasy Visa Support Service package includes:

Quick preparation of visa-eligible enrolment letter
After paying the Enrolment letter fee, you will receive your enrolment letter in up to 3 business days
Free-of-charge essential visa application support
We provide resources and tips to help you successfully complete the visa application on your own
Solutions for supplementary visa requirements
Utilize our help to easily book your health insurance, open your blocked bank account and more
Comprehensive Relocation Assistance Services
We offer accommodation support and free-of-charge workshops to help you settle in Berlin


Have a look at our checklist to understand the general requirements OR find out the requirements directly from the Foreigners‘ Office:

If you want to come to Germany you will need to apply for a visa at the German consulate in your home-country*. Processing your application usually takes three months so make sure to plan accordingly.

We have lots of experience helping students from all over the world receive visas and would be thrilled to help you too!

To book the suitable visa course for your long-term visa application continue with the next step by choosing your course with our course configurator below.

* Please note: In our experience, German embassies usually prefer that you already have some German language knowledge before applying for a visa. We highly recommend learning German at least to level A1, A2, or B1 before you apply for a visa. You can easily learn German in your home country with our online courses. To book your online course simply click here.)

How to proceed?

Option 1: Directly book your Visa Course to continue with the second step ( click here ).

Option 2: Get in touch with our visa experts to receive more support for the first step ( click here ).



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Our speakeasy Visa Specialist are happy to answer any questions you may have. Easily request our assistance on your path to Germany by filling in the form below!


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