The speakeasy German conversation course in Munich

Let's talk: The speakeasy German conversation course is 100% about speaking. Here you have the opportunity to playfully apply what you have learned, such as grammar and sentence structures, in discussions, small talks and everyday conversations. Together with your teacher and your group, you re-enact everyday language situations and practise your pronunciation.

Quick facts about our Conversation German Course:

speakeasy semi-intensive evening German Course in Munich.

Course Format

Practice your spoken German oon Fridays with interactive discussions.

speakeasy semi-intensive evening German Course in Munich.


3 teaching hours per week will get your German ready for spoken interaction in the real world.

speakeasy semi-intensive evening German Course in Munich.

Course duration

With a duration of four weeks, you can join the converation course at the start of every course month.

speakeasy semi-intensive evening German Course in Munich.

Start Time

The perfect transition into the weekend: Your conversation course takes place from 10am to 12:45pm.

speakeasy semi-intensive evening German Course in Munich.

Virtual classroom

Your conversation course takes place online. Log in to our virtual clöassroom.

Hast du noch Fragen an uns? Die Preise für unseren Deutsch Konversationskurs findest du in unserer Preisübersicht. Die Kurstermine findest du hier. Auch unser FAQ hilft dir mit vielen hilfreichen Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen weiter. Wenn du noch nach dem passenden Level für dich suchst, mache am besten unseren Online-Einstufungstest.

Möchtest du gerne mit uns persönlich Kontakt aufnehmen? Schreib uns ganz einfach per E-Mail und wir werden baldmöglichst auf dich zurückkommen. Alternativ freuen wir uns, wenn du uns in der Schule besuchen kommst.

Zeit für die Anmeldung? Um dich für einen Deutsch Konversationskurs anzumelden, kannst du ganz einfach unseren Kurs-Konfigurator verwenden (siehe unten). Dieser führt dich in einigen wenigen intuitiven Schritten durch den gesamten Buchungsprozess. Natürlich freuen wir uns auch, dich für die Buchung persönlich bei uns in der Schule begrüßen zu dürfen. Komm einfach bei uns vorbei und sprich uns an!

What is special about the speakeasy German conversation course?

In the speakeasy German conversation course you learn to overcome your fear of speaking. Here you put the course book aside and practise the structures you have learned in interesting discussions, conversation games and much more. Whether you're in the supermarket, at a party, in a discussion or giving a presentation at university or work: your qualified teacher will give you the right tools so that you can master your everyday life in German with confidence.

If you are already taking an intensive course or a semi-intensive evening course at speakeasy, this can be perfectly combined with a conversation course. We have the right German conversation course for every level.

Don't just use the German you've learned in the course, but intensify it even more with familiar and new participants in our speakeasy conversation courses. Impress the local Munich people with your language skills at the next conversation at work or at the party!

Course details German conversation course at speakeasy:

  • Start German Conversation Course: Every month (our dates)
  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • 1 teaching days per weekon Friday
  • Course times: Fridays 10:00 - 12:45

Click here to register

Start now with the speakeasy conversation course Munich

With our course configurator you can easily register online for your German conversation course. All information about dates and prices can be found in our dates overview and in our price table.

If you are unsure about your current language level, you can take our placement test free of charge.

You can find all the answers to other frequently asked questions in our FAQ.

If you have any other questions, you can always send us a message. Our team is always happy to help you.

Start your registration right now - either online or directly at our school. We look forward to your visit!

Course configurator
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