There are many good reasons to take your telc exam with speakeasy. Which ones? Let us tell you!
With us you book an online preparation course including your telc exam - and all that at a price that you would pay elsewhere for just the exam! In the online preparation course, you can familiarise yourself with the format of the exam in the self-study section and solve sample tasks. This way, you don't lose any time during your exam trying to get your bearings. Instead, you already know what is expected of you and can dive straight into the tasks. You not only save money, but also valuable time! Another plus: in the online preparation course you have the opportunity to meet our experienced speakeasy teachers in a live online seminar. They will be happy to answer your questions about the telc exam and give you a few tips along the way. Our online preparation course including the telc exam enables you to prepare comprehensively. Start now!
The preparation courses are available for the following levels
In addition to the price, saving time and the wide range of exams, there are other advantages that speak for speakeasy as your exam center:
This course will help you to prepare for your telc exam. The course includes:
Please note that this course is not one of our language courses, so it will not help you prepare linguistically for the exam. If you want to improve your German, you can find our language courses here.
With our online preparation course including the telc exam you can check your skill level yourself:
This is how our online preparation course incl. telc exam is structured:
At speakeasy
It is the last module of your online preparation course incl. exam.
If you would like a more intensive preparation outside of the self-study material: HERE you can register for our 3-week exam preparation course online.
What is the price for the online preparation course incl. telc exam?
Prerequisites for taking the online exam preparation course including telc exam:
Linguistic: If you book an exam for a certain level, you should have language skills at this level. We will be happy to support you with your linguistic preparation in one of our German courses!
Technical: The course takes place online. There is the independent learning section, which you can work on flexibly, and then the live online seminar with a teacher at a fixed time. To participate in both parts, you should have the following equipment:
Material: For the online exam preparation course you need a textbook. Depending on the level, this will be different:
Here you can find all information about the contract conditions for the telc preparation course incl. telc examination.